All-cotton braided candle wick - Core-less wick - which provide a hotter burn with less soot and mushrooming. This HTP 104 wick is 6 inches long on a 20mm base and 6mm neck 100 pack. Coated with high temp Natural wax. For Large Containers 3.25-3.75 inches. Works great for soy wax.
1. Identity
Product Name: HTP Wick
Number of fiber types included in construction: 2 (two)
Fiber Material Family: Cellulose
Generic Name: Plied Wick, Flat Braid
2. Hazardous Ingredients
All components of this product are considered
non-hazardous under OSHA 1910.1200.
3. Physical & Chemical Characteristics
No hazard in normal industrial use.
No absorption under normal industrial use.
Physical State: Solid
Physical Appearance: Natural to off white in color with brown fibers woven in the wick
4. Fire & Explosion Hazard
Flammable: Yes
Extinguishing Media: Water and/or use media appropriate to surrounding fire
Emergency First Aid: Procedure for burns
5. Reactivity Data
Chemical Stability: Chemically Stable
Incompatibility to other substances (conditions to avoid): water, humidity, and oil
Reactivity: Disintegration when burned
Hazardous Decomposition: None
Hazardous Emissions: None
Environmental Hazards: Dispose of scrap according to state laws
HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
CLEAN UP: No special clean-up consideration. Collect and discard in the regular trash. Ensure clean-up measures are in
compliance with OSHA (29 CFR 1910.1200).
6. Toxilogical Properties
HANDLING: No special handling
STORAGE: No special requirements. Keep Dry.
No additional toxilogical information available.
7. Exposure Control & Personal Protection
ENGINEERED CONTROLS: No exposure control limits exist for this product and none is likely to be required under normal conditions.
RESPIRATORY TRACT: None required under normal use of this product - No respirator required.
SKIN: Not normally considered a skin hazard. Where skin contact is made practice good personal hygiene. Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking and when leaving the work area.
8. Health Hazard
RESPIRATORY TRACT: None required under normal use of this product - No respirator required.
SKIN: Not normally considered a skin hazard. Where skin contact is made practice good personal hygiene. Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking and when leaving the work area.
INGESTION: No hazard in normal industrial use. Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention if symptoms develop and provide medical care provider with this MSDS.
No additional first aid information available.
9. Transportation Information
10. Additional Information
Users Responsibility
The listed information is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information. We assume no liability resulting from its use or from use of a finished product. Users should make their own investigation to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purpose.